Saturday, January 7, 2012

2012 - New Year For Bad Love Leather

WOW! Didn't realize that I've been ignoring this blog for over six months! I've had so much stuff going both business and personal I tend to loose track. I'm a one man show, a stay at home Dad and a general procrastinator. Put all that together and some things let lagged on.

For starters I need to find a new web person to help me manage my website and my general internet presence. My current web girl cannot stay on task for personal reasons and I haven't been the model client so New Year,  New web help is in order.

Next, I will be moving my studio. AGAIN. Not happy about this but I have fallen to someone else's short comings when it comes to paying a mortgage and the bank foreclosed on the bitchin house and studio me and my family live in. We will probably have a house more in Ojai proper instead of way out in the boonies here like I like it. Sadly when one door closes another opens.  I hate moving and setting up shop but I've been churnin up some new studio ideas and maybe this is the time to put them in place.

I've started doing dog collars. My friend Derek from back East had me make a big stud collar for his dog. Check out photos below

 Also, I've been doing some new cuff designs that are serious meat and I've also been doing some more petite designs for women. The women's bands are stingray, shark and buffalo. Check 'em out:

 I can give you prices and time lines on these new items if you call or email me:

Travis Poole
Bad Love Leather
310 292 6837

So thats it for now. I have plenty more to post and talk about. I'll keep this one short and try to post again soon. - Tell Yer Friends!

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